
updated 2:24 pm est 11/10/17

The idea of cultivating critical thinkers is easily a lofty ideal purported to be achieved throughout academia and espoused as the hallmark of journalistic integrity.  Achieving the critical thinking mind requires a certain bravery, wherein, once our ability to tap into our own knowledge of content matter is done, we must require it upon ourself to contrast our assessment and infer from an ‘outsiders’ point of view what is true and right and what is inaccurate and, even possibly, the propagandization of a special interest.


For the critical thinker, the affinity to discern is attached to our decision to look at the hard truth and favor this over our viewpoints, our political inclinations, and our stance on any given subject. This is hard to do.


In the following essay, I ask what exercise in democracy is achieved if political forces practice varying levels of indoctrination, in effect swaying public interest towards their ‘camp,’ rather than promoting the free, open-minded thinking that people are capable of. For corporations selling a product or service, it can be understandable that a benign profit motive will push a company to tout its product or service over that of a competitor. Yet, when we enter the realm of what kind of society, what kind of culture we want to have and how we want to raise our children, we do a disservice to ourselves and our nation in seeking to shape minds towards one perspective, instead of cultivating free minds.


  1. Could it be that America has been under arrest by special interests, such as with the progressive abortion industry which has somehow managed to create a money-power loop, whereby they receive half a billion dollars in federal funding and systematically use a portion of these funds to launch people into elected office, bankroll news media organizations, craft entertainment to amuse and distract us?


Surely, not all news, not all elected leaders, not all entertainment is tainted and within the ideological grasp of the abortion industry, but I say that be it the abortion industry or some other special interest consortium of organizations, we hinder our ability to shine as individuals in not adamantly protecting the value of critical, open-minded and independent thinkers. It is these that serve and protect alongside the police officers and the soldiers in combat. Freedom is not free, nor is it fought for in spurts, one-time events or by a select few. The perfect law of liberty, as called out in God’s Word, is a light burden that is best achieved when a human being is raised to think freely from childhood. Wether this is achievable or not on a grand scale is yet to be seen, but it has been achieved by many. I am one of those. All who hold onto truth, however hard it may be, however unpopular it may be held, these are the patriots of the United States of America. These are they who are deemed ‘dangerous’ by established special interest forces that seek the control of political power day and night.


The topic of abortion is of great importance, given that its industry’s livelihood is conjoined to the federal government, established news and media outlets and academic institutions. This trifecta of power and influence is warped together to prolong the vitality of the delusion that baby-killing is an exercise in freedom and liberty, as well as a supposedly epic example of women’s rights being triumphant. That is a ‘big lie.’ Abortion itself is a nasty act which destroys the mother from the inside out, requiring them to sear their conscious and push down all feeling of what has been done to them through their own choice. This experience, this process of destruction is at the heart of the mental illness that pervades our great land.. and it must be reversed. The river of apathy creates a darkness over our land, cutting off the development of wide-spread empathy in myriad ways and means.


As a critical thinker, I must ask myself as an individual in what state of being do I want my heart and mind to be. Should I rationalize it with the appeasement that is sold in this river of darkness? An appeasement that collectively says, it is a woman’s rightful choice to murder a woman in-formation? An appeasement that rationalizes in conjunction with most established news and media outlets, with elected leaders and celebrities that the murder is in the name of liberty and freedom? What message do we send to the deep conscious of women in the indoctrination that infant human slaughter of  male and female human life can be discarded after a night of pleasure? What lie must be sold in telling women that having children is a deficit that saddles them down as ‘the man’ goes off to make a career? How is it that the federal government, a government of the people, is allowed to make such laws and keep such laws that fund and legalize the continuation of such horridness, even after the industry has been repeatedly exposed selling baby body parts for profit, leaving babies to die out in the open on metal trays after they are pulled out of the womb, and having there limbs and head cut up with forceps?


Yes. These are harsh words. But this is our harsh America. The intellectuals look away. The pastors look away. The elected leaders look away. The children are soothed into looking away. Finally, those who dare stand up to this monster are targeted, have their names smeared and see their income sanctioned in the community.


The waves never stop

the awakened children

the inner eye, purposefully blinded

the brave fight, both front and center

and beyond the periphery


for your soul

Gain the soul, you gain hearts and minds

 the good fight

Most don’t know where to start

The age of heart and mind darkness

Solitary fighters stemming tides

turning them back here, pushing them on there


personhood subjected to slander

even so, fight

not with fist,

not with gun,

not with knife, nor slander

but with mind and heart, with words and soul


There is a real war just outside of the normal reality of daily life. It is easy to be blind to it. The truth of the power of the abortion industry is a hard one. The ability to influence and target individuals operates on many levels and is easily localized. I have come this far to safeguard hearts and minds and have been subjected to great persecution. I am studied and searched out with constant traps. There is no way that I will stop forward engines, but actually will increase speed to foment action towards social responsibility in being positively disruptive. In thinking critically, I cannot with all good conscious live a lie and still care for my heart and mind as I should. I must fight the good fight to protect the human rights of all, to do all I can to guard and empower each individual’s right to exercise liberty and freedom, to be as self-expressive as possible, and to harness their intellect, that in turn, they too may join the battle to truly protect freedom and liberty. After all, I would want someone to do this for me.


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